Vietape DP6000 – Damping Film

Product Partnumber: DP6000
VietTape DP6000 Damping Film is a high-performance material designed for noise and vibration reduction. Its core is made of rubber, providing excellent damping properties. The surface features a composite of O temper aluminum foil and either glass fiber cloth or PE film, creating a durable and versatile material



Automotive body, automotive air conditioning, seal between the interior floor sheet metal box riveted damping, heat insulation; When installed in the bottom of the flume, the vibration and noise produced by the impact of water flow can be effectively eliminated


Item Parameter
Rubber color Black
Tape thickness 1, 2, 3… (Optional)
Thickness tolerance ± 10%
Hardness 20-30 shore A
Density 1.55 ± 0.2 g/cm3
Adhesion to steel >15 (N/25mm)
Long Term temperature resistance -40 to 120oC
Short Term temperature resistance Up to 150oC



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